Vinyl Arrow Key Tags
Key Tags
SKU #1100013
Availability: In Stock
Buy 1 or more for $39.95 each
Buy 2 or more for $32.95 each
Buy 2 or more for $32.95 each
Vinyl Arrow Key Tags for Auto Shops
Our best buy on automotive key tags! These disposable vinyl arrow key tags cost just pennies. Receive a free permanent marker with your order. Mix and match colors in quantities of 1000 and receive the volume price.
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red, White
Actual Size: 1/2" x 5 1/8"
QTY 1 = 1,000
Previous SKU# KT RG
Write a Review
Key tags
Great service!
5 reviews

By John Stofa on Aug 20, 2018
Key tags are a great product however this time I received my shipment and none of the holes are punched out. My employees are having to use screwdrivers to poke the holes out. It is not an efficient use of their time.

By Jenny Marson on Oct 11, 2019
We've been using IDEA for many years. We get what we order in a timely manner. Very professional!
Thank you for all your help.

By Michele on Feb 24, 2020
Great products , prices and customer service

By cindy on Oct 26, 2020
I hated the new key tags, they are way smaller than before, and hard to use.

By marc on Nov 27, 2020
perfect for what we needed