EZ View Neon Hang Tags
Repair Order
SKU #1100899
• Quantity of 1 = 1000
Availability: In Stock
Buy 1 or more for $87.95 each
Buy 2 or more for $82.95 each
Buy 2 or more for $82.95 each
Save time and avoid confusion with these bright neon hang tags. Their unique look provides a great option as they can be seen through tinted windows and easily from a distance. Min order of 1,000 numbered tags. Lowest set is 0000 – 0999 and Highest 9000-9999.
Quantity of 1 = 1000
Actual Size: 7" x 6"
Previous SKU# HT V01
Quantity of 1 = 1000
Actual Size: 7" x 6"
Previous SKU# HT V01
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Good product!
1 review

By israel espinoza on Sep 13, 2019
Tags look great and very professional, makes it easy to keep track of trucks.